Apple Turnover Murder
by Joanne Fluke

Book Title: Apple Turnover Murder

Author Name: Joanne Fluke

Theme(s): Bakery, Cats, Coffee, Fundraiser, Minnesota, Recipes, Summer

Series Name: Hannah Swensen Mysteries

Book Number in Series: 13

Other Books in the Series: Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder (Book 1), Strawberry Shortcake Murder (Book 2)Blueberry Muffin Murder (Book 3)Lemon Meringue Pie Murder (Book 4)Fudge Cupcake Murder (Book 5), Sugar Cookie Murder (Book 6), Peach Cobbler Murder (Book 7), Cherry Cheesecake Murder (Book 8), Key Lime Pie Murder (Book 9), Carrot Cake Murder (Book 10), Cream Puff Murder (Book 11), Plum Pudding Murder (Book 12), Devil's Food Cake Murder (Book 14), Cinnamon Roll Murder (Book 15), Red Velvet Cupcake Murder (Book 16), Blackberry Pie Murder (Book 17), Double Fudge Brownie Murder (Book 18), Wedding Cake Murder (Book 19), Christmas Caramel Murder (Book 20), Banana Cream Pie Murder (Book 21), Raspberry Danish Murder (Book 22), Christmas Cake Murder (Book 23), Chocolate Cream Pie Murder (Book 24), Coconut Layer Cake Murder (Book 25), Christmas Cupcake Murder (Book 26), Triple Chocolate Cheesecake Murder (Book 27), Caramel Pecan Roll Murder (Book 28), Pink Lemonade Cake Murder (Book 29), Pumpkin Chiffon Pie Murder (Book 30)

Apple Turnover Murder by Joanne Fluke

USA Today Bestseller: A Minnesota baker is pulled into the mix when a man from her past is murdered: “Charming…scrumptious recipes.”—Publishers Weekly

Early summer brings plenty of work for baker Hannah Swensen, even before Mayor Bascomb’s wife drops by The Cookie Jar to place an order for her charity event…for eleven hundred cookies! And Hannah almost flips when her business partner, Lisa, suggests setting up an apple turnover stand. But she places her faith in Lisa, and even agrees to be a magician’s assistant in the fundraiser's talent show.

The only snag is the show’s host, college professor Bradford Ramsey. Hannah and her sister, Michelle, each had unfortunate romances with Ramsey, and when the cad comes sniffing around between acts, Hannah tells him off. But when the curtain doesn't go up, she discovers Ramsey backstage—dead, with a turnover in his hand. Now she must find a killer who's flakier than puff pastry, and far more dangerous…

Includes cookie and dessert recipes from The Cookie Jar

“The ever popular Fluke writes engaging cozies with one part great characters, one part gentle story, and three parts the best recipes in the genre.”—Library Journal

“[A] delightful, thoroughly entertaining series.”—Romantic Times

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